Registration details

Registration Fees for the LACONA XIV Conference, 09-12 September 2025:

till 01.08.2025
after 01.08.2025
Regular350 €400 €
Student*250 €300 €
Accompanying person100 €110 €
 Member of ISC 0 € 0 €
*only for participants under 35 years old who submit a suitable document demonstrating their student status, via the registration form.

The Registration Fee includes:

  • access to the Conference
  • conference materials
  • welcome drink
  • coffee breaks
  • light lunches
  • participation Certificate
  • option to submit up to two manuscripts for publication (manuscripts will undergo the usual peer-review process and only the ones accepted will be eventually published)

For the accompanying person it includes:

  • welcome drink
  • coffee breaks
  • light lunches

The REGISTRATION FEE can be paid by bank transfer to the following accounts of INCD OPTOELECTRONICA INOE 2000:

EURO: RO52RNCB0082044183870104

LEI: RO25RNCB0082044183870105


CUI INOE 2000: RO9113623

* Please take care that the full amount of the fee is transferred, otherwise surcharges may occur.

Registration can be considered completed only after filling out the Registration form and uploading the Payment Proof – no later than 29.08.2025.