LACONA XIV aims at collecting original contributions on photonic approaches devoted to the characterization of the state of conservation and the restoration of artifacts of cultural interest.
Morphological, mechanical, and thermal diagnostics
- 2D/3D/4D modeling
- Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), Confocal Microscopy, and THz Tomography
- Interferometry and Holography
- Advanced microscopy (non-linear, phase-contrast, etc)
- Photoacoustic spectroscopy and imaging
- Thermography
Compositional diagnostics
- Laser Induced Plasma/Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIPS/LIBS)
- Raman spectroscopy
- X-Ray Fluorescence and Diffractometry (XRF/XRD)
- UV-Vis and Vis-IR Fluorescence and Fluorescence Lifetime Spectroscopy and Imaging
- THz spectroscopy
- Multispectral and hyperspectral imaging
- Interpretation and mitigation of undesired effects during photonic diagnostics
Deterioration phenomena
- Multianalytical photonic characterization of deterioration phenomena
- Natural and artificial light exposure effects
Conservation-restoration technologies & methods
- Laser ablation processes
- Laser-based photothermal, and photodestruction processes
- Optimization of laser treatments
- Interpretation and mitigation of undesired effects in laser treatments
- Photochemical processes
Integrated approaches and best practices in photonic conservation-restoration
- Paintings
- Stone artefacts
- Metal artefacts
- Organic material artefacts
- Combined photonic, chemical, and mechanical conservation-restoration treatments
Novel photonic techniques or processes of interest in diagnostics, conservation-restoration, and monitoring of cultural heritage